COVID-19 – Health and Safety Procedures

Functional Physio COVID-19 Health & Safety Procedures:

As at 12 August 2022

Functional Physio NZ Ltd will be operating under specific guidelines while in the traffic light framework, to ensure their patients’ and staff members’ safety during the current pandemic. Our clinical and administrative staff will be following these guidelines, and we are also relying on our clients’ collaboration to ensure a safe environment for all.

Here are some of the measures our team has taken to minimise infection risk as much as possible:

  • All staff members are fully vaccinated and comply with the Ministry of Health guidelines (The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021).
  • All staff will be wearing masks, following hand sanitisation procedures and maintaining a safe distance while treating whenever possible.
  • Increased ventilation through the building’s ventilation system, to allow fresh air flow and stale air taken out.
  • All surfaces in our facilities are sprayed with Zoono antimicrobial spray monthly, which ensures long-lasting antibacterial and antiviral protection.
  • Our premises are professionally cleaned every day and our staff sanitises high-touch areas (such as door handles, computers etc) every hour.

In order to comply with the Health and Safety requirements for Allied Health providers, here is what is required of our clients:

  • All of our patients must undergo our Risk Assessment Screening process before their initial appointment.
  • Although signing in using the Covid Tracer app or the Covid tracer form is no longer required at this stage, QR code posters and Tracer forms will continue to be available to those who wish to track their movements.
  • We encourage our patients to come in alone for their appointments, to reduce the number of people in the building at one time. However, if you do require a chaperone or support person, they must also complete the Risk Assessment questionnaire.
  • We will be complying with safe distancing measures and sanitisation procedures. Please sanitise your hands upon arrival and before departing.
  • All patients and chaperones need to wear face masks when entering our premises.
  • Maintain a safe distance from others at all times, and to avoid congestion in the reception area, please wait outside if all seats are taken.

*Note: All requirements and procedures set out on this page are under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Order, the Ministry of Health and Physiotherapy Board guidelines.
The information on this page may be updated in consonance with the latest regulations.